Root Canal Therapy

in Wylie, TX

Root canal therapy has had quite the bad rap over the years, but despite its reputation, the endodontic procedure relieves pain resulting from tooth pulp damage rather than causing it, and saves damaged teeth, restoring their form and function. At Inspiration Dentistry, we use cutting-edge technology, advanced techniques, modern anesthetics, and sedation dentistry options to provide you with a comfortable and stress-free experience.

What Is Root Canal Therapy?

Your tooth is made of two parts: the crown, which is the part of the tooth visible above the gum line, and the root, which is embedded in your jawbone. The innermost part of the tooth, containing the nerves and blood vessels, is called the pulp. Root canal therapy is an endodontic procedure required to treat teeth with inflamed or infected tooth pulp, which can result from deep decay, tooth cracks, repeated dental procedures, trauma, or damaged restorations.

Left untreated, damaged tooth pulp can lead to complications, including severe pain, an abscess, facial swelling, and even bone loss around the affected tooth’s root. Harmful oral bacteria can also enter the bloodstream, posing a serious health risk. The only alternative to a root canal treatment you need is to have the affected tooth extracted, which is always our last resort.

What Is the Role of CBCT in Root Canal Therapy?

At Inspiration Dentistry, we use CBCT or Cone Beam Computed Tomography to enhance your root canal therapy outcomes. Unlike traditional X-rays, our CBCT unit provides a 3D view of your teeth, bone, and soft tissues. This technology allows us to see the tooth and surrounding area with exceptional clarity, ensuring precise and accurate treatment.

CBCT helps us:

  • Identify the location of damage and extent of the infection
  • Detect any hidden canals or abnormalities
  • Plan the procedure with greater accuracy
  • Reduce the risk of complications

What Is the Root Canal Process?

We will numb the area for your comfort before your root canal treatment. We are also happy to offer nitrous oxide sedation to help you relax during treatment.

Once you are ready, Dr. Avalos will create a small opening in the crown of the affected tooth to access its pulp chamber and root canals. He will carefully remove the damaged tooth pulp and clean, disinfect, and shape the inside of the tooth. Next, he will fill your root canals with a rubber-like material called gutta-percha to help prevent future infections. The last step is sealing the tooth with a temporary filling.

After your root canal treatment, the tooth can become brittle and prone to fracture, which is why we typically recommend a dental crown for protection. Your new custom restoration will look, feel, and function like your natural teeth.


The most common warning signs of tooth pulp damage requiring root canal therapy include persistent tooth pain, sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures, tooth discoloration, swollen gums, a pimple-like bump on the gums, or even facial swelling. If you experience any of these symptoms, make sure to contact our office to schedule a consultation.

Thanks to today’s advances in dental technology, endodontic techniques, and dental anesthetics, root canal therapy is usually no more uncomfortable than having a cavity filled. In fact, the procedure helps alleviate pain resulting from tooth pulp damage rather than causing pain or discomfort.

With proper care and ongoing maintenance, a tooth that has undergone a root canal treatment has the potential to last a lifetime. Good oral hygiene practices and regular dental exams and cleanings will ensure the longevity of your treated tooth and help you maintain a healthy smile.

Root Canal Therapy

Near Me in Wylie, TX

At Inspiration Dentistry, our topmost priorities are to relieve you of any discomfort and to save your natural teeth. If you have a damaged or painful tooth, we are here to help. Dr. Avalos may recommend root canal therapy to restore your healthy, functional smile. Our patient-centered team will do everything possible to ensure you have a positive, stress-free experience. Call (469) 945-3989 or visit us online to book an appointment today!